Bridal Shower Gift Ideas

Wedding season is almost here, and we all know that means…bridal showers and bachelorette parties prior to the wedding! Just wanted to share some nice gifts just to get your juices going with ideas. Of course, everyone is difference with what they want for a gift, but these are just ideas other than the great ideas: lingerie and giftcard gifts…to get those juices flowing. Not that there’s anything wrong with lingerie and giftcards. (I personally prefer giftcards because they’re basically cash) But picking something out something unique personally, most of the time, is more heartfelt to the recipient.

Don’t forget to ALWAYS include a gift receipt!


If this to-be-bride is….


  • Silk Pillowcases! The one I have here (gifted) is from Silkedco. Silk pillowcases aren’t normally something that people normally would buy for themselves due to the high price tag. It’s not only special and luxe-feeling, but is great for preventing split ends and reducing friction on the skin. But I’ve found one by SilkedCo. It’s a little different because unlike other silk pillowcases out there, only the front is silk, preventing the pillow from slipping and sliding inside. From my experience, unlike the very popular brand Slip, this brand goes on sale more often.


  • If you know someone that is active and loves to try new things, gift a Classpass membership! It’s like the Netflix of studio passes, where you have a certain number of units (depending on the subscription) to use on any classes you want near your area. There’s barre, reformer pilates, yoga…all sorts of classes to try out! Plus, this might encourage someone to have fun to stay active before the wedding. :P

Someone who needs to treat themselves:

  • A spa/facial/massage gift card! Again, one of those things that maybe many people don’t treat themselves to, even if they really need or would SO appreciate one. Maybe this person is just so tired and worn out from work or grad school PLUS wedding planning just needs a good excuse to slow down and recharge.

A Homebody:

  • Actually, this kind of gift is for everyone. Anyone would love a pair of PJs right? The Incredibly Soft line at Target is just that: incredibly soft. I own a long sleeve/pant set, gifted to me by a coworker, and I’m obsessed.